Monday, January 29, 2007

Tolkien. (that's who is in the picture). Imagination.

So, I've been reading G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy, something I have attempted many times, but I haven't actually finished because of... well, school reading. So, Chesterton's got me thinking. He says what keeps sane people from insanity is imagination. It is the attempt to rationalize everything that drives you crazy. I agree with him. And somehow being justified in my imagination is something that I need (especially right now).

It is good for my little mind to think of my life as a story. It is good for my camera for me to see beauty all around . And I think all of those memories that I hold on so dearly to have sparked my imagination. (I remember being in the mountains for close to a week with my siblings, and reading a Narnia book while lying on the moss on the forest floor - some part of me remains on that forest floor). The stories that have meant so much to me were epics (I love lord of the Rings... I think I have read it two or three times front to back, And there was one friend at Upward Bound in Austria who said to me "We get to play lord of the rings again today!!"). There is more to life than the mundane. Imagination has the power to bring color and energy to the life. I want to make so many more beautiful memories with friends. I want to be silly and run around in the fog. I want to take pictures of random things (which pretty much describes today!)


Megs said...

imagination...hahaha, it's a beautiful thing. love you deary!

Flip Flops Anonymous said...

let your imagination take flight...;)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!