Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oh the people in my life...

are great, what can I say? Those people that tolerate my cheekiness in class, my tears in homegroup, my neat-freakiness at home, my sense of silliness anywhere else. How I could I live without them. Honestly. Because I feel like I am completely dry of any deep profound thoughts, this is what I am thinking right now: Some times I feel dumb that I am me. I don't know if anyone would get that. But I sure am weird.
I'll let you analyze the data:
- I am turning 23 this year and have never had a boyfriend
- I started castrating calves when I was twelve years old (maybe this one has something to do with the first one).
- I have a tropical plant named Wesley.
- I buy cut flowers for myself
- I actually enjoy running in the rain (today is perfect!)
- I dance like a ballerina in my house
- The radio stations currently programmed on my car radio: classic rock, pop, contemporary rock, classical, christian, and country. I mean, who listens to those?
- I have a giant purple ball that I am staring at right now that is covered in nipples
- I asked the pharmacist for emergency contraception yesterday (this is weird, yet again, looking at the first note)
- My public high school graduating class consisted of nine people (and I was valedictorian YIPEE!)
- I have hiked and snowboarded in the Alps
- I like owning an orchid, it's the only plant that dies if you water it, but keeps going if you never water it
- I see naked people all the time at work

Yep, I'm weird.


Flip Flops Anonymous said...

BAHA!! Oh Mel, you make me laugh out loud. Yes, you are unique...uniquely AMAZING!! I love all of those things about you (although the thought of castrating cows makes me wince and I think I'd faint...) Keep on being true to who God has made you to be...we're pumped that He made you that way...weirdness and all ;)

Dr. Coopernicus Who said...

Did you get the name for your tropical plant from Princess Bride???

Yeah, I thought I was weird, but you're weird in a different, uhh, weirdy way...