Thursday, January 18, 2007

God, I am sick of snow and cold. I feel like a wall of ice is separating me from the fresh energy and new life of spring. I feel like hibernating until I wake up and things are warm. Am I suffering from seasonal affected disorder? Maybe. Or maybe it is just that I want to skip the gray cold lifeless parts of life to come even faster to the good times. I know that you are changing me more than ever right now. I can feel my passion for you and your word and your people growing, but still, God, why are your lessons so hard?

Wait for the Lord. Be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

I guess underneath all that snow is the promise of life. Last Wednesday when it snowed it felt like I was underneath a huge white down comforter, I felt completely protected and surrounded. Maybe the gray cold is more like a crysallis, a cocoon, and I am in the middle of metamorphsis. I have this problem of not being able to see what God is doing while I am in the middle of his latest scheme. But I have confidence that a few months from now, hindsight will be (as always) 20/20.

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