Thursday, January 4, 2007

And my constant companion...

I have been playing violin a lot, especially during the holidays. My favourite: playing violin with my sister-in-law playing piano (she has her masters in piano performance).

Oh, and I'm half-finished reading The Da Vinci Code. I can't seem to put it down...


QueenBee said...

Oh Mel and your violin - what a pair.
I too read The Da Vinci Code - it's got 0 historical value but entertaining to say the least.

Megs said...

yay mel and her vel...violen that is. i can't wait to hear you play! oh the d of the code. i'm not going to lie i enjoyed it, angels and demons was better. anywho can't wait to see you!! you come home tomorrow YAY!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're suffering through that book. I guess I enjoyed it for its entertainment value, but the writing is no good and historically it's completely flawed.

Smelly Melly said...

hahaha, I actually really enjoyed the d code. But I like the violin more.

I am so GLAD to me home in Langley.